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Sell-Off Of Troubled H & R Block Stocks Opens Opportunity To Savvy Investors


H and R Block shares have come down 21% in the last month after a disappointing third quarter caused a mass exodus by investors from the stock. However, we believe that fourth quarter earnings could turn H and R Block stock around and potentially offer up a significant opportunity for the savvy investor.

Though the third quarter is traditionally low performing for H and R Block, this year's loss was greater than expected. Revenue declined to $475 million, far lower than the expected $502 million. The third quarter loss amounted to $79 million, a significant increase from the $37 million third quarter loss experienced in 2015. In its third quarter results, the company also noted that they have experienced their fourth consecutive year of declining volume.

Solar Stocks Are Hot Again


Remember like eight years ago when Solar Stocks were hot? The industry is hot once again and for some good reasons.

Solar Array Technology is Better

The technology that makes up the vast number of solar arrays in the world is getting better all the time. A little improvement in the technology is multiplied when implemented on farms of solar panels.

The Costs Are Improving

Could solar really be as cheap as coal and/or nuclear energy? Some believe so. Up to this point there has been a strong demand for government subsidies in the industry to keep the costs low. One way to keep the costs low is install the solar arrays on the rooftops of buildings and to the energy created within the building. This eliminates to costs factors, land and transmission.

Getting to Know Put Option and Call Option

Nov 30 2015


In the world of trading, put option and call option have turned out to be very familiar terms. It is important that you have a better understanding on these two terms before you put your investment into place. If you like to enjoy great returns from the investments that you make, then you might need to shift your focus on trading call options. That way, you can trade in a more favorable trading conditions. When you plan to put your company shares on sale with an agreed price and set the expiration date on your own, call options should be your path. This option allows you to enjoy a more updated price on your offering. When the price of your underlying assets rises, your call options should increase in value as well. Unlike a call option, a put option allows you to put your shares in the market with similar requirements. If you like to see which option is the best one for you, then it is important that you finish reading this short passage.

What You Need to Know About Call Option Swing Trading

Nov 19 2015

Call Option Swing Trading

If you ever wonder about the fastest way to make yourself very rich, then buying and selling options seem like the most reasonable choice. However they are also a quick way to lose a large amount of money as well. For the first reason, many people are interested in making profits this way. On the other hand, many people are also too scared to try. In spite of the hair-raising stories you might have heard about this issue, there is no reason for you to be fearful. Swing trading options is a simple strategy that will lead you to a more reliable, protected and steady income gain. Thanks to the short time frame, where the execution of swing trades is 2 to 10 days, swings are essential for having successful option trades.

Every option trader is able to find online a number of different trading strategies. Thus, it is very important that we have a better understanding about option trading before making a choice. More interestingly, option trading can be a clear path to huge profit potential. Compared to other instruments of investment you might choose from, option swing trading stands out as a more profitable choice. Call option swing trading comes in a number of different types. Most of the time, swing trading strategies based on options includes buying puts at reversal points when the uptrend has occurred and buying calls at reversal points when downtrends take place. The basic strategy of swing trading has four variations you can use.

Export And Import Bank: The Bank You Cannot Count On


In Washington, people are having trouble coming to terms with the nation's numerous social and economic troubles. It is a bad idea for our government to leave our limited public resources to the hands of wealthy and politically well-connected corporations like the Export and Import Bank.

Those who are in favor of the current status argue that the bank benefits taxpayers because it protects jobs and promotes US exports. However, these are unsubstantiated arguments that will not stand up to further inquiry. As a matter of fact, less than 2 percent of US exports are supported by the bank yearly, and the usual beneficiaries are huge businesses like Caterpillar and Boeing.
Moreover, the bank's claim of supporting 205,000 jobs in 2013 was disputed by the Government Accounting Office, stating that the bank did not consider the number of jobs that would have been available if the bank had not been present among other arguments. In addition, the Congressional Budget Office reported that over the next decade, the bank is estimated to yield losses to taxpayers.

How Casino Bankruptcies Are Affecting Donald Trump


Job Losses and Casino Bankruptcies Do Not Concern Donald Trump

On August 31, the Showboat Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City closed its doors as did the Revel Hotel some days prior. This resulted in the loss of approximately 5,000 jobs which included dealers, waitresses, bartenders, security guards and other personnel in the casino. The Trump Plaza Hotel in Atlantic City is also poised for closure in late September, which will bring the number of laid off workers to 6,000.

Donald Trump has a lengthy history in Atlantic City and this includes him leaving his business deals in the area before the collapse of the local economy.

It was during the early 1980s when Trump first bought properties on the Atlantic City boardwalk after having received approval from the state's gaming and control board. This resulted in his forming a partnership with Holiday Inn and building Trump Plaza. The deal that Trump negotiated allowed him to collect 50% of all profits without assuming any liability for casino losses throughout the casino's first five years.

Boeing Has A Strong Third Quarter


A positive earnings report for the 3rd quarter and some positive guidance boosted Boeing (BA) stock today by near 2%. Commercial place deliveries provided for a revenue surprise of $25.85 billion. A 7% increase from the prior year period. The new earnings guidance came in above the range of $7.7-7.9 a share at $7.95-8.15.

Profit popped 25% and the company reduced costs on its 787 Dreamliner that many analyst have been pushing for. The company has a backlog of 5700 jets which is a good number of orders that should keep revenue solid going forward. Other worries include the closing of the import-export bank and slowing demand from emerging markets. The company did not feel these issues would be enough to offset current positive trends.

Wal-Mart Cuts Costs Investors Hope For More

Wal-Mart decided to lay off 450 employees Friday at their headquarters in Bentonville Arkansas. Currently there are 18,600 employees working there. The stock rallied a little bit on Friday after the announcement, about 0.2%. The company at the same time has begun hiring seasonal workers.

The company made a statement stating that customers have changed and they need to make changes to stay competitive. The stock of Wal-Mart is down 22% year to date as investors fear competition from Amazon and flat revenue. Same store sales have increased 1.5% in the second quarter and 1.1% in the first quarter, so it's not all bad news.

Mining Stocks Are Currently Selling At Bargains

Cliffs Natural Resources Inc

We put much of our faith in the international monetary system, but we know the market can collapse at any time. In the 20th century, the system crashed three times in less than 60 years. James Richards, a well-respected expert in the financial world believes another financial collapse is on the way. He also believes in owning tangible assets because the value of money goes up and down. At the moment, gold is one of the most stable physical assets on the market. Even though this precious metal is solid, stock prices for gold mining companies are lower than usual. These undervalued share prices are exciting many investors, and they are taking advantage of this opportunity by purchasing gold mining stocks and ETF's. When a person invests in a mining company, as opposed to purchasing the actual metal, they are doing so to gain from the intrinsic value. An example of an undervalued stock with excellent growth potential is Cliffs Natural Resources Inc (NYSE:CLF).

Barnes and Noble Loss Increases


The stock of book seller Barnes and Noble fell this week (15% on Wednesday) as their revenue fell and their costs increased. The company sold its education division which helped revenue but the retail sales and Nook sales were weak. Sales per store increased but the number of stores fell which resulted in negative revenue growth for the retail business. Sales of the Nook fell 22% from the previous year and streaming media sales were down 28%.

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