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How Do I Use Private Equity Market?

The value of the equity invested in business not publicly traded is known as the private equity market.

Why not just get a bank loan?

Since the early 1970’s the private equity market has been growing steadily.  The private equity market continues performing strongly and is still in growth today despite the still unfavorable financial climate.  A greater proportion of equity is generated across the private equity market as venture capitalists invest less and less regularly and with smaller financial commitments.  Banks are becoming highly reluctant to lend with the economy remaining so volatile.  Businesses are looking more than ever to the private equity market to raise capital.

How To Find Investors

Businesses often decide that they need investment to either keep the business alive or kick start a period of growth.  What is the best way to find investors for your business?

Where to look

There are a number of ways for businesses to find investors in the private equity marketplace.  As a business, there are a number of reasons for which you may need to raise equity quickly, and as such different reasons will lead you to different equity providers.

5 Of The Most Influential Young Entrepreneurs

More and more young people are coming up with innovative and million dollar ideas and brands. It is an incredibly exciting time especially in the social media sphere with countless gaps in the market and marketing strategies. In this interesting article we look at 5 of the most influential young entrepreneurs and their young entrepreneur stories and while reading their stories of success, we will near hand to face and slap ourselves for not thinking about their idea before they did.

Sam Walton: Wal-Mart Visionary

Very few people know the highly intelligent entrepreneur who was the sharp mind behind WalMart. Sam Walton, founder of one of the most highly-recognized stores in the world, was a visionary who understood the need for everyone to have access to goods without suffering financially. Living through the Great Depression, and working to help his parents make ends meet, Sam was given an education on the responsibilities of adulthood, from an early age.

Early Years

Born to Thomas Walton and Nancy Lee, in 1918, Sam Walton had it in him from an early age to succeed in anything he put his mind to. As the Great Depression spiraled, taking many families and businesses down with it, Sam set about making money. He milked cows, bottled the surplus milk and took it to customers. He also delivered newspapers and magazine subscriptions for extra cash. The youngest Eagle Scout in Oklahoma’s state history, Sam graduated with the honor of “Most versatile boy.”

Just after graduation Sam Walton started work at JC Penny’s, but resigned to join the military. He served at Fort Douglas, Utah, and with his great leadership skills he had been promoted to Captain by the time he left the military.

Is Tesco Taking Over The World?

The Tesco Clubcard logo.

Image via Wikipedia

Tesco is one of the biggest grocery retailers in the world. Most people think of them as just a British supermarket, but their reach spans a lot further than that, and they are involved in many more markets than just groceries. Some people feel that Tesco is taking over the world, and that if they continue to expand then they could end up with far too much power.

What It Takes to Theoretically Solve the Euro Zone Crisis

International Monetary Fund's Managing Directo...

Image via Wikipedia

The ongoing saga that is the Euro Zone crisis shows no sign of ending anytime soon. Sure there have been promises, schemes and commitments put out there but without any real tangible action it seems the fate of Europe is in limbo. While the Euro Zone is essentially an economic and financial crisis, the real heart of the issue lies in the political realm. So what is it going to take to completely solve the Euro Zone economy crisis? Let’s take a look at a few of the key aspects that need to change and fast.

Multinational Corporations Invest In Emerging Markets


Image by thegreenpages via Flickr

As the world's population rises, food prices slowly follow the trend. It's a fairly simple equation: more people require more food, but also take up more space and this limits the land available for farming. Some of the worlds largest food producing companies have therefore been looking into new ways to boost their production whilst keeping prices competitive. This has taken two forms; improve production from current land, and move into new markets where space is more free (and labor usually cheaper). Two of the main exponents of this are Pepsi Co (who oversee such brands as Tropicana, Scotts Porridge Oats and Doritos) and Nestle (who own hundreds of cereal, ice cream, yoghurt and chocolate brands), as they require vast amounts of naturally produced products to run their businesses. Both of them have started interesting projects aimed at combating these problems:

House Republicans Agree On Short-Term Renewal Of Payroll Tax Cuts And Other Benefits


Image by 401K via Flickr

Republicans in the House of Delegates caved on Thursday to the President's, congressional Left wingers ', and fellow Republicans ' demands for a renewing of payroll tax cuts for employees. This is to a short term call till they can settle on a more formal budget plan. This may spare employees from having a standard $20 per week tax increase beginning Jan first.

Stock Carnival Ecstasy - December 13, 2011

English: NASDAQ in Times Square, New York City...

Image via Wikipedia

Welcome to the December 13, 2011 edition of Stock Carnival Ecstasy. In this edition we have some really good stories including one from Super Saver on a decline in the markets titled ‘Waiting for the Fat Lady to Sing’. Bill Smith takes a look at Four Extra Financial Accounts you should establish. And finally we have Investing Lingo, learning the language of traders, from Dr. Dean. Hope you enjoy the articles, bookmark, share, tweet, like on Facebook and come back soon.

Feeling Cheated by the Stock Market? Here are the Worst Swindlers of All Time

In inflation adjusted terms, the US stock mark...

Image via Wikipedia

The stock market is getting a lot of attention today with the recent backlash and protests on Wall Street. The negative sentiments further fuel assumptions of brokers scamming and engaging in unethical practices.

While the stock market has undoubtedly had its share of horror stories, the investment opportunities it presents are still legitimate. The only question is, which ones? To prevent losing out on your hard earned money, it pays to do your own research and take the time to understand the basics of how you can avoid getting hoodwinked by unscrupulous investment scams. To do this you also need to look at a few of the stock market’s most successful swindlers to help you weed out the bad ones from the good.

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